Monday, August 11, 2008

rainy day in NOLA

Kennan and I got in last night, somewhat the worse for wear from our 24 hour train trip on the famous "City of New Orleans." Now it seems like it was fun, but during the trip, we got pretty squirrely - at one point we sat in the dark in a forest with no power when the engine was taken off and affixed to a different car that was too heavy to get up a hill (we were told). Somebody shouted out in the dark "Like the Little Engine that Could!" and someone else started singing melodiously in the dark, "This train...has some problems, oh this train" to the old spiritual. Anyway it was all fine in a few hours and we weren't even very late to town!

Crawfish ettoufee - delish - and beignets and coffee and gumbo - all good. A hotel pool, tiny and salty water - relaxing. Pretty rooms and a "Mediterranean" feel to the decor (i.e. French/Spanish).

Today, some window washing at the KIPP School, but little else because the supplies have not arrived from the old location. We're looking forward to more substantive work tomorrow. Meanwhile the trolly has been fun, and talking to people even more so. Thanks for reading!

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